Hi, I’m Jenny

I launched Awakened Aloha in 2017 after my own personal struggles with an autoimmune disease. After years of frustration with conventional treatment options, I became my own advocate, studying natural medicine to treat my chronic fatigue, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances. I was inspired to educate and guide others in changing the way they live, think, and experience life.

In 2021, I became pregnant with my daughter and had to learn to navigate the traditional maternity healthcare system. I came out with a deep understanding of the challenges women face during and after pregnancy. Through my own experience, I decided to dedicate my practice to women’s health, with a focus on pregnant and postpartum women.

“Aloha” is a Hawaiian word that means love and affection, it inspires living in harmony with yourself and others. The literal meaning of Aloha is the presence of breath. When you live in the spirit of this impactful word, you make the conscious decision to live in a way that cares for yourself so that you can heal and care for those around you.

Why Awakened Aloha?

*Masters degree in Educational Development & Strategy with a teaching certification in Biology

*Doctoral student at Quantum University-doctorate and Ph.D. in Natural Medicine

*Certified holistic health coach-Institute of Integrative Nutrition

*Certified Essential Oil coach- Dr. Josh Axe.

~I have studied with Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle, DC CCN, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Dr. Paul Drouin.
