homeopathic consultation

Consultations are currently conducted via online platforms such as Skype, FaceTime, or by phone. This allows me to work with anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Please see below for more information about which consultation package will work best for you. If you have any questions prior to booking please feel free to email me and we can chat further about what you are hoping to achieve.

Fertility Consultation

A fertility consult is designed for couples trying to conceive using the Liz Lalor Fertility Protocol. This involves taking a full case history and prescribing 6-8 homeopathic remedies to boost fertility naturally. The homeopathic kit provides 4 months of treatment and 4 monthly follow-ups.

Price: $800

Initial Couple Consultation and Homeopathic Fertility Kit with all remedies in. Please note that all bookings are in Eastern Standard EST time.